Trump Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office (2:23)
Beware Of This Dangerous Shabbos Goy For This Was Not A Mistake
Trump Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office (2:23)
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.”
Donald J. Trump, who learned this mendacious scheme from Roy Cohn
One hundred million Americans have been suckered (going on ten years drinking the Kool-Aid of The Donald) by this shameless “Make Israel Great Again” Shabbos goy. Beware, he’s an extremely dangerous, bombastic, narcissistic, con man, and bullshit artist, that’s the Father of the mass murdering injection, and proud of it.
Love Is The Answer
Mark R. Elsis
Please view these. DJT is reported to have converted to Judaism, and said in a speech "I'm not Christian."
DJT said in this speech "" Trump ADMITTS ON CAMERA before a huge audience of conservative, Christian voters: “I’m NOT Christian”"
that he's not Christian, so probably he doesn't think he has to. Notably, he does not say what his religion is. He joined the Chabad sect - a strong anti-Christian sect that Ivanka and Kushner also belong to.
I've read that there is one Judaic prayer where they ask to be absolved from any oaths they may take in the year to come.
In this 2019 report, he's reported to have converted to Judaism in "early 2017" , presumably after his Inauguration in 2017, when he swore on the Bible.
If he is a convert to Judaism, I don't think he's allowed to swear on the Bible, since there are many reports of Rabbis badmouthing Christianity and Jesus Christ. And the Talmud says unspeakable things abut Jesus Christ.
" "President Donal Trump Converts to Judaism in 2017"
Except for these 2 websites, I've not seen any other reference to his change of religion, No commentator or blogger I've read seems to be aware of this.
This would be a reason why he supports genocide in Gaza unconditionally, and why Mrs Adelson gave $100M for his 2024 campaign.
What is running this country, this planet, is far above the personalities of Trump, or Biden, or Putin, or even something like Netanyahu. And all of them answer to the Dark One, Satan himself.